South Korea has the smoking rate of 23.3%, the highest among OECD members. Accordingly, Korean government aims to create smoking-free environment by promoting full-scale anti-smoking campaign, significant tobacco price hikes policy, expansion of non-smoking public places and etc.
FleishmanHillard in Korea has designed and led Ministry of Health and Welfare’s 2015 National Anti-Smoking Campaign. Under the strong key message “Smoking is a disease to cure,” the campaign was executed by focusing on actual inducement to smoking of each target segments: teenager, female and middle-aged.
Unlike previous coercive anti-smoking education for students, current National Anti-Smoking Campaign aimed to effectively deliver its message through soft contents and easily accessible digital platform which gains huge popularity among teenagers these days.
In detail, “A Full-Fledged No Smoking Recommendation Comic,” a series of anti-smoking brand web based cartoon, so-called web-toon, were published. “Fingerband Campaign” has also been promoted providing no-smoking symbolized wristband which appeared on the actual web-toon story for those who posted a message of supporting no smoking on SNS. Also, a web drama “The Choice,” distributed in Naver TV Cast, has been produced with the aim of preventing teenagers’ smoking behavior.
The Web-toon, publishing 10 stories serially, attracted total of 47 million people views, and approximately 284 thousand people participated in SNS anti-smoking campaign within 5 months, creating a great social sensation. 2015 National Anti-Smoking Campaign took advantages of customized contents and platforms for each target segments and widely spread anti-smoking culture in public.